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back to beginnings gi tract

Why Digestion Plays An Essential Role In Our Health

Why Digestion Plays An Essential Role In Our Health We all know that feeling of being stuffed after a big meal. Or the discomfort of indigestion and heartburn. But digestion is much more than enjoying a meal or occasional discomfort. In fact, it plays a vital role in our overall health. The digestive process begins when we see and smell food. The brain signals glands to start...

back to beginnings reishi lingzi mushrrom (1)

Reishi Mushroom: Nature’s True Panacea?

Every other day, a new study touting the health benefits of some exotic new superfood is released. Some random berry or mushroom has seemingly emerged as the latest and greatest thing for keeping us healthy and looking good. But what about the foods that have been around for hundreds of years? Are they any less worthy of our consideration? Have you ever heard of the...

Back To Beginnings Essential Oil Diffusers

Aromatherapy – An Effective Way To Enhance Your Immunity

It's all over the news nowadays that consuming powerful immune-boosting herbs and spices like clove bud, cinnamon- bark, black-pepper, neem, peppermint, ginger, etc to name a few in the form of infusions or decoctions are protective for our respiratory health.  In fact, this boiling and drinking of these herbs dates back to thousands of years and is backed up scientifically in Ayurveda medicine. But did you...

Back To Beginnings Herbal Extracts

God’s Pharmacy – Ancient Herbs Of Nature For Immunity

Botanical extracts are active ingredients of plants (flowers, leaves, seeds, stems, roots, etc.) used for medicinal purposes to prevent illness and promote healing. (1) Their use can be traced back to thousands of years in every culture of the world. (2) Today the well-known ones are Ayurveda Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine. The central idea behind all of them being to help restore the body to its balanced optimal...

back to beginnings health and happiness

Top Ten Effective Steps For Staying Healthy

From my perspective as a Lifestyle and Functional Medicine Health Coach, I believe these essential aspects of wellness, when inculcated proactively, will create Health sustainably for everyone.  Usually, we are so focused on conventional western medicine that we overlook the primary day-to-day Lifestyle behavior that creates and maintains wellness. You may have expensive drugs and treatments, which may be great for triage. But, they will not...

Immune Army

Our Incredibly Super Intelligent Immune System

Nowadays, we spend so much time surfing the net or watching television on COVID-19 news. However, should we not spend some time educating ourselves about our amazing immune system, which protects us from all unwanted foreign pathogens like viruses, bacteria, fungus, or toxins? I wish to explain to you the incredible sophisticated immune machinery which God and nature have provided all of us. No army of...

Essential Oil Fb Post

Essential Oils – An easy way to keep our respiratory tract healthy!

Nowadays we are all so concerned about sanitizing our hands, but what about sanitizing our lungs? Steaming is an inexpensive way of keeping our respiratory tract clean and healthy. And if we have the choice of adding essential oils we can enjoy their therapeutic benefits too. Diffusing oils in ultrasonic oil diffusers has become very popular nowadays. Of course, it is very crucial that the...

Optimal Health

Simple Actions For Guaranteed Optimal Wellness

Attaining optimal health is not at all complicated when we keep in mind these three words;  MAXIMIZE - MINIMIZE - PRIORITIZE MAXIMIZE: We must maximize consuming all the raw materials our body needs for functioning and healing, which encompasses an organic, wholesome diet that provides us with all the macronutrients, namely carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and fiber. Adequate micronutrients, too, are essential, namely vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, which...

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